Kai Zeng

Research Team

Kai Zeng hails from the tastytrade research team and can be found co-hosting Research Specials LIVE, where tastytrade’s researchers offer up their own interpretations of recent research studies. You can catch him pitching trade ideas to Tom and Tony alongside his fellow researchers on Trades from Research Team LIVE and You Know You Quant This. He also makes appearances on From Theory to Practice where he has created several mini-series, such as Portfolio Tactics: Building Blocks and Portfolio Tactics: Back to Basics.

After receiving a BS in Computer Science and an MBA in Investment, Kai dove head first into the trading world to become a full-time derivatives trader and portfolio manager. All in all, Kai’s been trading options for over a decade now.

Fun fact about Kai: when completing his MBA, he and two friends biked all the way from UNC to NYC to fundraise for a non-profit education organization. Ask him about the stories!